The Do’s and Don’ts of Government Relations in Turkey

In today’s interconnected global economy, businesses and organizations often find themselves operating in foreign countries. Turkey, with its strategic location bridging Europe and Asia, holds significant economic potential. However, navigating the intricate web of government relations in Turkey can be a complex endeavor. This blog post aims to provide comprehensive insights into mastering government relations in Turkey, offering a roadmap of do’s and don’ts for effectively engaging with Turkish political and cultural dynamics.

Understanding the Turkish Political Landscape

Before delving into the do’s and don’ts of government relations in Turkey, it’s crucial to grasp the nuances of its political landscape. Turkey’s history, deeply influenced by its Ottoman heritage and subsequent modernization, has led to a unique blend of cultural and political influences. The Turkish government comprises the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan wielding significant power. The ruling party, AKP, has shaped policies and direction for years.

person standing near the stairs

The Do’s of Government Relations in Turkey

1. Cultivate Strong Relationships

Establishing personal relationships with key government officials, stakeholders, and local partners is paramount. In Turkish culture, business interactions are often based on trust and familiarity. Taking the time to build rapport can greatly enhance your credibility and influence.

2. Respect Turkish Culture

Understanding and respecting Turkish customs, traditions, and social norms are integral to successful government relations. Greetings, gestures, and even business attire can carry significant cultural implications. Being mindful of these aspects demonstrates a commitment to fostering genuine relationships.

3. Engage in Public Affairs

Participating in public affairs activities like seminars, conferences, and events provides opportunities to connect with influential figures in Turkish politics. By actively engaging, you can showcase your commitment to the country’s progress and establish your presence in the political arena.

4. Invest in Local Expertise

Hiring local experts, consultants, and advisors with an in-depth understanding of Turkish politics, regulations, and business practices can be a game-changer. Their insights will help you navigate the complexities of government relations while avoiding common pitfalls.

5. Transparency and Compliance

Operating transparently and adhering to local laws and regulations are crucial. Transparency builds trust with government entities and other stakeholders, fostering a positive reputation and more open communication channels.

The Don’ts of Government Relations in Turkey

1. Avoid Political Bias

Steer clear of taking sides in Turkish political matters. Expressing political biases can alienate stakeholders, tarnishing your reputation and potentially harming business interests. Maintain a neutral stance to ensure positive relationships.

2. Don’t Neglect Cultural Sensitivity

Avoid actions or statements that may be perceived as disrespectful or offensive in Turkish culture. Cultural insensitivity can lead to strained relationships and hinder effective communication.

3. Steer Clear of Bureaucratic Challenges

Navigating bureaucratic hurdles can be frustrating, but patience and persistence are essential. Avoid letting frustrations impact your interactions. Bureaucratic challenges are part of the landscape, and maintaining a professional demeanor is vital.

4. Don’t Disregard Changing Policies

Turkey’s political environment is dynamic, and policies can shift rapidly. Failing to stay informed about these changes can have significant consequences for your business operations. Regularly monitor policy shifts and adapt your approach accordingly.

5. Avoid Isolation

Active engagement with the local community and other stakeholders is crucial. Isolating yourself can lead to missed opportunities and hinder your ability to understand and navigate the political landscape effectively.

Case Studies: Successful and Unsuccessful Approaches

We have worked with many global investors in Turkey and the vicinity; By engaging in public affairs events and leveraging the expertise of our local consultants, we help them develop a corporate value proposition for Turkey and communicate it to key relevant stakeholders to establish brand presence, secure several government contracts and built strong relationships with key officials.

Conversely, we have observed many global companies such as PayPal or Uber that failed to obey local laws, respect cultural norms, leading to misunderstandings and strained relationships. Their lack of transparency regarding regulatory compliance further damaged their reputation, resulting in lost business opportunities and even being forever locked out of a key G20 economy.


Navigating government relations in Turkey requires a multifaceted approach that takes into account cultural sensitivity, relationship-building, and adherence to local regulations. By following the do’s and don’ts outlined in this blog post, businesses can establish a strong foundation for effective government relations. Building connections, fostering trust, and staying attuned to the political landscape are key to not only surviving but thriving in Turkey’s diverse and dynamic environment.
